On-Site Service

Service module: on-site service

Our on-site service includes in­spec­tion service, retro­fitting, and mobile service. This allows us to set up a service unit on our customer’s premises. The vehicles are equipped with the nec­es­sary range of seals, and are sup­ported by qual­i­fied staff. On site we ensure that from gaskets, me­chan­i­cal seals to ex­pan­sion joints are avail­able, exactly as needed. We also provide complete doc­u­men­ta­tion, and advise our cus­tomers on how to choose and install seals. Our range of services is topped off with complete retrofit packages con­form­ing to the TA-Luft, for example.

Inspection service

Dis­man­tling, as­sess­ment, re­place­ment, repair, assembly and doc­u­men­ta­tion of seals.


Im­ple­men­ta­tion of retro­fits and tech­ni­cal updates.

Service vehicles

Mobile workshop and ware­house units

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