Globseals Africa Limited for Innovative Sealing Solutions
Our Products
Mechanical seals
Seal supply systems
Carbon floating ring seals
Compression packings / Gaskets
Magnetic couplings
API 682 4th edition product range
Expansion joints
Special products
Our Services
Service modules
Service programs
DGS Centers of Competence
Our Solutions
Oil and gas industry
Refining technology
Petrochemical industry
Chemical industry
Pharmaceutical industry
Power plant technology
Pulp and paper industry
Water applications
Mining industry
Food processing industry
Aerospace industry

Bairro Chingodzi, U.C. 3 De Janeiro Q3, Tete, Mozambique
Cell: +258 848 316 216
Globseals Africa Limited is one of the worldwide leading providers of industrial sealing technology. Mechanical seals, seal supply systems, magnetic couplings, carbon floating ring seals, expansion joints, gaskets and packings as well as comprehensive services are used wherever reliability and safety are needed.